July 13, 2010

How Can I Say?

Pulling into Memphis, the plan was to record a song with a pop-country band called Beauregard. I was excited because this would have been my first collaboration with a band and not just an individual. It became clear—through all the subtle, indirect signals they threw out there—that they were not interested in working together after all. Being close to Graceland and Stax inspired me. I really wanted to work with a band because I wanted to make a soul song! Thursday night passed, Friday passed, still no song, still no play date with Beauregard.

Our host Jaclyn has a beautiful voice and we’d talked from the beginning about doing something together. I figured if I couldn’t get a full band country song out of Memphis I at least wanted to get something equally as grand. I had the concept for the song. Logan, Jacyln and I knocked these lyrics out in about 25 minutes. It definitely was not hard to work with this rhyming scheme.

Eventually, I’m going to add some backup vocals to this track but for now enjoy my best Elvis...


how can I say

1 comment:

  1. Walker I love you. That is all. Please get famous soon.
